A&A Colloquium: Irina Zhuravleva (University of Chicago)

3:30–4:30 pm ERC 161

Irina Zhuravleva (University of Chicago) "Multi-Scale Physics of Hot Halos"

Clusters of galaxies are the largest reservoirs of hot, volume-filling gas known as the intracluster medium (ICM). The presence of this gas enables us to explore AGN feedback, assembly and evolution of hot halos through mergers and gas accretion, chemical enrichment of the Universe, and fundamentals of weakly-collisional plasmas. A recently launched XRISM X-ray observatory provides spectra of extended X-ray sources with unprecedented resolution, allowing kinematic studies of the ICM for the first time. I will give an update on the mission and show the first data taken from the bright sources. I will present recent multi-scale studies of gas density fluctuations measured in a large sample of galaxy clusters. With these measurements, we assess baryonic physics implemented in cosmological simulations, measure gas kinetic pressure, and constrain the transport properties of the ICM. In the last part of the talk, I will introduce the LEM mission and discuss an exciting opportunity to study faint X-ray emission from cluster outskirts, hot halos around galaxies (circumgalactic medium), and gas content within cosmic filaments.

Event Type


May 15