Barbara J. Carter (PhD) | Thesis: "Galaxy Spectral Type and Star Formation as a Function of Density" | Advisor: Richard KronKimberly A. Coble (PhD) | Thesis: "Data Reduction and Analysis of the Python V Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropy Experiment" | Advisor: Scott DodelsonDavid M. Cole (PhD) | Thesis: "High-Resolution Far-Infrared Observations of Star-Forming Regions" | Advisor: Doyal "Al" HarperWilliam J. Glaccum (PhD) | Thesis: "Far-Infared Spectrophotometry of Oxygen-Rich and S-Type Stars" | Advisor: Doyal "Al" HarperAlexey B. Goldin (PhD) | Thesis: "Medium-Scale Microwave Background Anisotropy: Measurement and Detectors Design" | Advisor: Stephan MeyerBradford P. Holden (PhD) | Thesis: "Evolution in the Space Density of Clusters of Galaxies from the Palomar Distant Cluster Survey" | Advisor: Richard KronVisnja Katalinic (PhD) | Thesis: "The Evolution of MHD Modes through Recombination" | Advisor: Angela OlintoFang Shi (PhD) | Thesis: "The Sodium Laser Guide Star Experiment for AO and the Development of a High Bandwidth Tracking System for the University of Chicago AO System" | Advisor: Ed Kibblewhite