Picture an Astronomer: Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell @ The Adler
7:00–8:15 pm Adler Planetarium
Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell will give a special public talk at the Adler Planetarium @ 6:30pm on 2/19 in lieu of the Wednesday colloquium that day. Registration is required.

KICP Seminar - Laura Herold
11:00 am–12:00 pm ERC 401
Laura Herold (Johns Hopkins) will give the KICP Seminar on 2/20 at 11am in ERC 401 and via Zoom.

A&A Colloquium - Andrew Vanderburg
3:30–5:00 pm ERC 161
Andrew Vanderburg (MIT) will give the A&A Colloquium on 2/26 at 3:30pm in ERC 161 and via Zoom.

KICP Seminar - Farnik Nikakhtar
11:00 am–12:00 pm ERC 401
Farnik Nikakhtar (Yale) will give the KICP Seminar on 2/27 at 11am in ERC 401 and via Zoom.

KICP Colloquium - Kate Whitaker
3:30–5:00 pm ERC 161
Kate Whitaker (UMass Amherst) will give the KICP Colloquium on 3/5 at 3:30pm in ERC 161 and via Zoom as part of the Picture an Astronomer Symposium.

KICP Seminar - Raphael Errani
11:00 am–12:00 pm ERC 401
Raphael Errani (Carnegie Mellon) will give the KICP Seminar on 3/6 at 11am in ERC 401 and via Zoom.