KICP Seminar - Gabriela Sato-Polito
11:00 am–12:00 pm ERC 401
Gabriela Sato-Polito (Institute for Advanced Study) will give the KICP Seminar on 2/13 at 11am in ERC 401 and via Zoom.

KICP Colloquium - Daniel Dutcher
3:30–5:00 pm ERC 161
Daniel Dutcher (Princeton) will give the KICP colloquium on 2/12 at 3:30pm in ERC 161 and via Zoom.

Picture an Astronomer: Katie Mack
6:30–8:00 pm ERC 161
Katie Mack (Perimeter Institute) will give a FREE public lecture on 2/7 at 6:30pm in ERC 161 and Zoom.

KICP Seminar - Katie Mack
11:00 am–12:00 pm ERC 401
Katie Mack (Perimeter Institute) will give the KICP Seminar on 2/5 at 11am in ERC 401 and via Zoom.

KICP Colloquium - Jessica Zebrowski
3:30–5:00 pm ERC 161
Jessica Zebrowski (UChicago) will give the KICP Colloquium on 2/5 at 3:30pm in ERC 161 and Zoom.

Picture an Astronomer - Dara Norman
6:30–8:00 pm ERC 161
Dara Norman (NOAO) will give a special public lecture, sponsored by the UChicago Women’s Board, in ERC 161 on Monday, Feb. 3rd @ 6:30pm.

Picture an Astronomer: UChicago Astronomy Night
6:00–8:30 pm ERC Atrium & 161
Join UChicago astronomers for a free public Q+A with leading astrophysicists along with science demos and more!
KICP Seminar - Elise Novtiski
11:00 am–12:00 pm
Elise Novtiski (UW) will give the KICP Seminar on 1/30 at 11am in ERC 401 and via Zoom.

KICP Colloquium - Ting Li
3:30–5:00 pm
Ting Li (UToronto) will give the KICP colloquium on 1/29 at 3:30pm in ERC 161 and via Zoom.

KICP Seminar - Ryan Linehan
11:00 am–12:00 pm
Ryan Linehan (FNAL) will give the KICP Seminar on 1/23 at 11am in ERC 401 and via Zoom.