Thanks to a generous grant from the University of Chicago Women’s Board, we are able to run a one-time series of events aimed at increasing representation for, and retention of, women in astrophysics. In partnership with the Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics at the University of Chicago, programming will run from January - March 2025, with opportunities to participate/attend both in person and virtually, and recordings will made available after each event (linked here) to extend reach.
Details of our events, including registration and attendance information and recordings (post-event) are available here. We will be updating this website regularly in the run-up to these events, so do check back for more.
Southside Art Contest
We invite all K-12 students living in the South Side of Chicago to participate in our third annual Southside Art Contest. Winners get cash prizes, and all artists and their families are invited to a reception and award ceremony in April at the University of Chicago.
Artwork must be submitted in person, please see the Art Contest webpage for more information:
Questions? Email us at and we will respond soon!
Southside Astronomy Program
Join us every month for a free public lecture by a professor in the UChicago Astronomy & Astrophysics Department, followed by guided viewing of the night sky with telescopes.
All events are from 6:30-8pm in the Math building at UChicago, Eckhart Hall, Room 133.
Next lectures are:
March 10
April 8
May 6
June 5