KICP Open Group Seminar: Jonathan Blazek, EPFL

3:30–4:30 pm ERC 401

Jonathan Blazek, EPFL, "Fun with Intrinsic Alignments: Exploring Beyond LCDM with Cosmological Surveys"

Host: Chihway Chang

Several current and future surveys, including DES, KiDS, and LSST, utilize weak lensing and galaxy clustering observables to constrain the underlying cosmological model. Astrophysical effects can contaminate these observations with systematic uncertainties. I will discuss one of these effects, the intrinsic alignments (IA) of galaxies. Mitigating IA in standard cosmological analyses is an important priority for future projects. However, I will focus on novel applications of IA to probe other physics, ranging from galaxy formation to violations of the equivalence principle in the dark sector.

Event Type


Nov 25