Student presentations (session 1): ASTR133 class

2:00–3:00 pm Zoom Room (online)

● Finding Exo-Planets with Kepler/TESS etc.
Hannah Skobe, Charlie Willard, Ruoyang Tu, Carmen Choza

● Formation of the Solar System
Simon Mork, Aster Taylor, Alex Masegian, Rowen Glusman

● The Physics of Supernova
Marcos Tamargo, Amanda Muratore, Juhun Baek, Sanjana Viswanathan

● The Event Horizon Telescope and Blackholes
Alexa Bukowski, Ross Marsh, Joalda Morancy, Sebastian Martinez

● JWST and Galaxy/Planetary System Formation
Naren Kasinath, Devin Hoover, Grace Wagner, Angelo Ruperti

The ASTR133 class will have two open presentation sessions as part of their midterm project next week on Tuesday/Thursday 2:00-3:20pm (May 5&7). You are all invited to drop by, listen and ask questions about their presentations. They will be in 2-4 person groups presenting on a topic of their choice (not really a research project, but mainly something they read up on and are interested in). You also get to vote on best presentations :)

These students are mostly first year undergrads who are thinking of majoring in astro.

You might remember last year we had a poster session and was great to see many of you show up and ask questions!

Detail call-in information and the topics they are presenting are listed below. Great if you can send me a note if you already know you will attend, but no worries of course just showing up.

Thanks all,


Event Type


May 5