2:00–3:00 pm Zoom Room (online)
● Studying Galaxy Evolution with the Eagle Simulation
Aidan Cloonan, Explorer Pan, John Kennick, Savannah Pinedo
● Astronomical Tests for Dark Matter
Devon Delgado, Diego Garza
● Measuring the Cosmic Acceleration
Frederick Wehlen, Drew Morris, Rodrigo Sanchez de Lozada, Marya Tawam
● The CMB Legacy from the Planck Satellite
Nathalie Chicoine, Yibo Pan, Krish Suchak, Shannon Sheu
● Gravitational Waves and LIGO
Lily Ehsani, Izzy Martino, Hamilton Lavin, Jaidyn Catherall
The ASTR133 class will have two open presentation sessions as part of their midterm project next week on Tuesday/Thursday 2:00-3:20pm (May 5&7). You are all invited to drop by, listen and ask questions about their presentations. They will be in 2-4 person groups presenting on a topic of their choice (not really a research project, but mainly something they read up on and are interested in). You also get to vote on best presentations :)
These students are mostly first year undergrads who are thinking of majoring in astro.
You might remember last year we had a poster session and was great to see many of you show up and ask questions!
Detail call-in information and the topics they are presenting are listed below. Great if you can send me a note if you already know you will attend, but no worries of course just showing up.
Thanks all,