Early career job market

12:00 pm Zoom Room (online)

Dear KICP, EFI, and A&A members,

We are all going through a very stressful time with recent events at home and across the globe. Among other things, a particular point of anxiety for our early career members is how the academic job landscape will be reshaped as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic.

To start the dialogue we, along with the IDEA group and directors of the KICP, EFI, A&A, would like to invite you to a townhall meeting on Tuesday, June 23 at 12-1pm CT via the KICP Zoom Room . Although the discussion will be informal and we encourage contributions from all in attendance, the conversation will be lead by student/postdoc moderators and faculty panelists:

Abby Vieregg (Physics, KICP, EFI)

Alex Drlica-Wagner (A&A, KICP, Fermilab)

Tom Crawford (A&A, KICP)

Young-Kee Kim (Physics Chair, EFI, DPF Chair)

Fully recognizing that no one will have all of the answers, our goal is to provide a space where both early career members can ask questions about postdoc/faculty hiring and senior members can better understand how to adjust their mentorship strategies. With this foundation, we can all feel more empowered to prepare for the future and address resources that can help support our decisions.

To give our panel preparation material, we will collect anonymous questions/thoughts via form. This poll will close on Monday, June 15. Please stay well and hope to see you there!

Yours sincerely,

Danielle Norcini (KICP, EFI, & Physics)

Gourav Khullar (A&A, KICP)

Event Type


Jun 23