2:00–5:00 pm Zoom Room (online)
We are happy to invite you all to the first Outreach Symposium of the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics (A&A) and Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics (KICP) at the University of Chicago.
This event will consist of a series of (remote) presentations and open discussions designed to outline the current outreach efforts at A&A/KICP and foster new community engagement initiatives.
The symposium will take place on Friday, Oct. 2nd and will be divided in two sessions (all Chicago times):
14:00 Current outreach/engagement activities at A&A/KICP
Including: Space Explorers, Adler Planetarium, UChicago-CPS, Life Long Learning, IDEA seminar, Art-Science connection + Lightning talks
15:15 Break
15:30 Building relations with Chicago communities + Moderated Q&A
Including: Techgirlz, Chicago Architecture Center, Chicago Urban League, After School Matters, Boy Scouts of America
17:00 End
The Outreach Symposium is open to all members of the University of Chicago community (students, researchers, faculty, staff) and interested community organizations. You can register following the link below:
If you are interested in the event but cannot attend live, please also register since we will distribute recordings and materials of the sessions to registered participants.
If interested, you will have the opportunity to share your own outreach efforts in a (1 slide, 1 minute) lightning talk.
Note that by registering in the symposium you accept the code of conduct.
In case of any question you can contact Jose Ezquiaga, ezquiaga@uchicago.edu.
Event Type
Colloquia, Discussion Groups, Meetings, Seminars, Talks, Workshops