1:30–2:30 pm Zoom Room
Yi-Kuan Chiang, Ohio State University, "Probing The Cosmic Energy Density Inventory With Tomographic Intensity Mapping"
The formation of stars, galaxies, and the large-scale structure drives complex energy density flows over a wide range of scales from atomic nuclei to cosmic voids and superclusters. The net effect could be summarized by a census of Omega_x(z), i.e., the redshift evolution of the cosmic energy density inventory. I will talk about my ongoing effort to probe the history of some of the key cosmic constituents, including stars, dust, and the thermal energy associated with cosmic structures. These are constrained via intensity mapping of the cosmic UV, IR, and the SZ effect backgrounds tomographically over cosmic time via a clustering-based technique. To facilitate the recovery of redshift information in a rich set of existing and future photometric intensity mapping and galaxy survey datasets, I will introduce a public tool, http://tomographer.org/, for quick end-to-end clustering-based redshift analyses.