KICP seminar:  Andrina Nicola (Princeton University)

12:00–1:00 pm ERC 401

Andrina Nicola (Princeton University) "Cosmological probe combination for current and future surveys"

Host: Lucas Secco

Recent progress in observational cosmology and the establishment of ΛCDM have relied on the combination of different cosmological probes. These probes are not independent, and their cross-correlations allow for robust tests of the cosmological model and constraining theoretical and observational systematics, making them a promising analysis method for both current and future data. In this talk, I will outline possible ways in which to extend joint analyses to optimally benefit from upcoming data, and present results on photometric galaxy clustering in the Hyper Suprime Cam DR1 data. I will then discuss the potential of using two-point function statistics of baryon tracers of the matter density to robustly constrain both cosmology and baryonic feedback.

Event Type


Mar 10