KICP seminar: Shany Danieli (Princeton University)

12:00–1:00 pm ERC 401A

Shany Danieli (Princeton University) "Towards a better understanding of low-mass galaxies beyond the Local Group"

Recent advances in telescope instrumentation and image analysis techniques have opened up a new window into the low surface brightness Universe. In particular, they now enable comprehensive and systematic investigations of low-mass galaxies beyond the Local Group. Their number densities, structures, and internal dynamics can be extremely insightful for studying dark matter and galaxy formation on small scales. I will present results studying these low surface brightness galaxies beyond our local galactic neighborhood. I will discuss follow-up observations of ultra-diffuse galaxies, focusing on their dark matter content and intriguing globular cluster populations, uncovering significant diversity and new astrophysical puzzles. I will end by presenting two ongoing wide-field imaging surveys using the Dragonfly Telephoto Array and the Dark Energy Camera on the Blanco telescope. These complementary surveys will play a key role in mapping the census and properties of the general population of low-mass galaxies.

Event Type


Mar 31