KICP colloquium:  Johanna Nagy (Washington University)

3:30–4:30 pm ERC 161

Johanna Nagy (Washington University) "Measuring CMB Polarization from the Stratosphere"

Measurements of the polarization of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) are a powerful probe of the composition and evolution of the Universe. Observing from the stratosphere with balloon-borne telescopes provides access to information at high frequencies and on the largest spatial scales. I'll present results from the first Antarctic flight of SPIDER, a balloon-borne instrument optimized to measure CMB B-mode polarization on degree angular scales to probe inflation and characterize Galactic foregrounds. I'll also discuss the upcoming Taurus experiment, which is being designed to measure the E-mode signal from reionization over 70% of the sky during a mid-latitude flight. These datasets as well as the instrumentation and analysis techniques developed for both of these experiments are highly complementary to other current and planned CMB observations.

Event Type


Apr 13