Summer School on CMB Detectors and Instrumentation

Summer School on CMB Detectors and Instrumentation

Through August 12, 2022 ERC 401


This 1-week "hands-on" summer school is designed to provide the participants with working knowledge of the detectors and instrumentation used to detect the tiny temperature and polarization anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). Senior undergraduates and early graduate students interested in pursuing a PhD in experimental physics or astrophysics are particularly encouraged to apply. A feature of the school is hands-on activities to teach students the basics of CMB instrumentation. We expect to have room for approximately 15-20 students.

Topics will include: superconducting detectors, e.g., transition-edge-sensor (TES) bolometers, kinetic-inductance-detectors (KIDs); detector characterization (responsivity, beams, bands, time constants, polarization calibration); cryogenics and mm-wavelength optics; coherent and holographic techniques for characterizing optical components; and Fourier transform spectroscopy.

Housing: Housing will be provided at no charge.

Travel: Some funds will be available for travel assistance.

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Event Type


Aug 8