KICP/FNAL/UIUC mini-symposium

10:30 am–6:30 pm ERC 401

Friday May 13th (ERC building, 4th floor, Room 401)

10:30    Coffee and Social Hour
12:00    Lunch (on your own/small groups)
1:30      Meng-Xiang Lin -- Gravitational wave propagation beyond general relativity
1:50      Celeste Keith -- The Sensitivity of Future Gamma-Ray Telescopes to Primordial Black Holes
2:10      Pranjal Ralegankar -- Neff constraints on portal interactions with hidden sectors
2:30      Ian Holst -- The Simplest and Most Predictive Model of Muon g−2 and Thermal Dark Matter
2:50      Michael Wentzel -- Searching for Dark Matter with SRF Cavities
3:10      Coffee Break
3:40      Olivia Bitter -- Constraints on the local pulsar population from the cosmic-ray positrons
4:00      Rachel Nguyen -- Searching for Secondary Dark Photons at MATHUSLA
4:20      Aurora Ireland -- PBF from PBH: Primordial B Fields from Primordial Black Holes
4:40      Wen Han Chiu -- Conformal freeze-in via dark photons
5:00      Joaquim Iguaz -- Isotropic X-ray bound on Primordial Black Hole Dark Matter
5:30      Dinner/Drinks in small groups

Event Type


May 13