12:00–1:00 pm ERC 501
Dhayaa Anbajagane "Towards precision measurements of inflation using weak lensing"
Inflation is the current paradigm for how structure is seeded in our Universe, but the detailed particle physics of inflation remains largely uncertain; how many fields existed during this epoch? What types of interactions did the field(s) undergo? etc. The CMB has placed the best existing constraints on the physics of inflation, and the next big jump in constraining power will come from large-volume galaxy surveys. While galaxy clustering measurements from these surveys are expected to be the key driver behind this improvement, weak lensing from the late-time structure has an important part to play as well. I will describe the unique and complementary benefits of using lensing to study inflationary processes, and discuss the possible constraints from current and upcoming photometric surveys like DES and LSST.