3:30–4:30 pm ERC 401
Host: Alex Drlica-Wagner
Gabriela Marques (Fermilab) "Cosmology with Weak Lensing: 1, 2, and beyond 2-point statistics"
Cross-correlation analyses between independent tracers have become a powerful tool to infer valuable information of the Universe while providing extra safety checks on systematics. As the matter density perturbations are mostly dominated by non-luminous dark matter, and consequently are not directly observable, we can probe them by cross-correlating the tracers of the same underlying matter density. One of the important tracers arises from the deflections of the photon’s path caused by the weak gravitational lensing effect (WL). In this talk, I will discuss how the cross-correlation between the lensing of the Cosmic Microwave Background and the LSS data can probe different aspects of the cosmic structure and shed light on current tensions in Cosmology. Going beyond the two-point statistics, I will also present the potential of constraining Cosmology by studying the non-Gaussian information contained in the weak lensing data. In particular, I will discuss our recent analysis using the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru weak lensing data.