12:00–1:00 pm ERC 401
Host: Hayden Lee
Ethan Nadler (Carnegie Observatory & USC) "Cosmological Simulations with Novel Dark Matter Physics"
I will describe new cosmological zoom-in simulation suites that accurately resolve small-scale structure in the presence of novel dark matter physics. These simulations target strong lens, Milky Way, and Large Magellanic Cloud analogs with initial conditions appropriate for a variety of warm, interacting, and fuzzy dark matter models near current observational limits. Several of these simulations include strong, velocity-dependent dark matter self-interactions that yield distinctive predictions for structure on dwarf galaxy scales. Finally, I will present a new approach to simulate dark matter-baryon scattering in hydrodynamic simulations, and preliminary results.
About speaker: Ethan Nadler is a joint postdoctoral fellow at Carnegie Observatories and USC. His research combines cosmological simulations, particle theory, and observations of small-scale structure to probe fundamental dark matter physics. He works with collaborations including the Dark Energy Survey, Dark Energy Science Collaboration, and Satellites Around Galactic Analogs Survey.