KICP seminar: Ethan Nadler (Carnegie Observatory & USC)

12:00–1:00 pm ERC 401

Host: Hayden Lee

Ethan Nadler (Carnegie Observatory & USC) "Cosmological Simulations with Novel Dark Matter Physics"

I will describe new cosmological zoom-in simulation suites that accurately resolve small-scale structure in the presence of novel dark matter physics. These simulations target strong lens, Milky Way, and Large Magellanic Cloud analogs with initial conditions appropriate for a variety of warm, interacting, and fuzzy dark matter models near current observational limits. Several of these simulations include strong, velocity-dependent dark matter self-interactions that yield distinctive predictions for structure on dwarf galaxy scales. Finally, I will present a new approach to simulate dark matter-baryon scattering in hydrodynamic simulations, and preliminary results.

About speaker: Ethan Nadler is a joint postdoctoral fellow at Carnegie Observatories and USC. His research combines cosmological simulations, particle theory, and observations of small-scale structure to probe fundamental dark matter physics. He works with collaborations including the Dark Energy Survey, Dark Energy Science Collaboration, and Satellites Around Galactic Analogs Survey.

Event Type


Mar 23