3:00–4:00 pm ERC 419
Host: Andrey Kravtsov
Floor van Donkelaar (University of Zurich) "The GigaEris Simulation: What makes a high-redshift galaxy different?"
The GigaEris simulation is a cosmological, N-body hydrodynamical "zoom-in" simulation of the formation of a Milky Way-sized galaxy halo with unprecedented resolution, encompassing of order a billion particles within the refined region. The simulation employs a modern implementation of smoothed-particle hydrodynamics, including metal-line cooling and thermal diffusion. I will show all the recent results from the GigaEris simulation, currently reaching z=4.4, while simultaneously looking at the bigger picture of high redshift galaxies. And for example, discuss what kind of structures and dynamics that are already similar to a z=0 galaxies?