Through August 4, 2023 ERC 401
This decade will be transformative for both strong and weak lensing applications for cosmology and extragalactic astrophysics due to several ground-based and space surveys, such as the Rubin Observatory's LSST, Euclid, and the Roman Space Telescope, providing data of unprecedented size and exquisite quality. By exploring synergistic avenues between the two regimes of lensing, strong and weak, there is great potential to elevate the strengths of each probe.
- What are the outstanding challenges for both probes that may be solved by combining them?
- What are the complementarities in cosmological likelihoods from both probes?
- What can we learn about galaxy evolution in the next decade by joining the two probes?
- What are the common and complementary approaches in data analysis methods and machine learning applications?
This workshop will bring together researchers from both regimes of lensing to discuss such questions and prepare the community to overcome the outstanding challenges with data from the next generation facilities. The workshop will have a balanced mixture of talks and discussions with ample time for collaboration in breakout groups.
Scientific Organizing Committee
Anowar Shajib (Chair) University of Chicago |
Alex Alarcon Argonne National Laboratory |
Simon Birrer Stony Brook University |
Chihway Chang UChicago/KICP |
Josh Frieman U. Chicago |
Giulia Giannini KICP |
Daniel Gilman University of Chicago |
Hendrik Hildebrandt Ruhr-University Bochum |
Johannes Ulf Lange University of Michigan |
Priyamvada Natarajan Yale University |
Judit Prat University of Chicago |
Liliya Williams University of Minnesota |