Special Thunch: The latest from LIGO
12:00 pm Zoom Room (online)
PhD Thesis Defense: Philip Mansfield
12:00 pm Zoom Room (online)
Philip Mansfield, “Why Do Dark Matter Halos Die Together? An Intergalactic Murder Mystery”
KICP Coffee, Cookies and Conversation
3:00–3:30 pm Zoom Room (online)
A&A Coffee, Cookies and Conversation
2:30 pm Zoom room (online)
KICP Coffee, Cookies and Conversation
3:00–3:30 pm Zoom Room (online)
A&A Coffee, Cookies and Conversation
2:30 pm Zoom room (online)
Special Thunch: XENON1T
12:00 pm Zoom Romm (online)
KICP Coffee, Cookies and Conversation
3:00–3:30 pm Zoom Room (online)
KICP Coffee, Cookies and Conversation
3:00–3:30 pm Zoom Room (online)
A&A Coffee, Cookies and Conversation
2:30 pm Zoom room (online)