Past Events


Astro Lunch Seminar: Kareem El-Badry, University of California- Berkeley

12:00–1:00 pm ERC 576

“Wide binaries as probes of star formation and dynamical evolution”
Population statistics of wide binaries encode the end state of turbulent core fragmentation and can thus constrain aspects of the star formation process that are theoretically poorly understood. Because the orbits of wide binaries are fragile, they are also sensitive probes of the dynamical history of a stellar population. The Gaia mission has recently revolutionized the wide binary field, making it possible to assemble large, homogenous, and pure catalogs of binaries with a well-understood selection function. I will discuss several recent discoveries enabled by Gaia, focusing in particular on the unexpected discovery of an excess population of equal-mass “twin” binaries at wide separations that challenges our understanding of the star formation process. I will also discuss tests of gravity in the low-acceleration regime with wide binaries.

Nov 19

KICP open group seminar - Nina Maksimova

3:00–4:00 pm ERC 419

Nina Maksimova, Harvard University, “Next Generation N-body Cosmology with Abacus on the Summit Supercomputer”

Nov 15

A&A Cookies, Coffee and Conversation

2:30–3:30 pm Hubble Lounge (ERC 501)

Nov 15

KICP seminar: Katie Breivik, Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics

12:00–1:00 pm ERC 401

Katie Breivik, Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, “Binary evolution: a multi-messenger, multi-band puzzle”

Nov 15

KICP colloquium: Wendy Freedman, University of Chicago

3:30–4:30 pm ERC 401

Wendy Freedman, University of Chicago, “Tension in the Hubble Constant”

Nov 13

Milky Way Discussion Group

2:00–3:00 pm ERC 419

Nov 12

Chalk Talk: Arieh Konigl (UChicago) & Victor Buza (UChicago)

12:00–1:00 pm ERC 501

Arieh Konigl (UChicago): “Crystals from the Sky”
Victor Buza (UChicago): “Listening to the Big Bang with CMB Polarization”

Nov 12

A&A Cookies, Coffee and Conversation

2:30–3:30 pm Hubble Lounge (ERC 501)

Nov 8

KICP seminar - Emmanuel Schaan, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

12:00–1:00 pm ERC 401

Emmanuel Schaan, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, “Lensing of the CMB and intensity maps: analogy with galaxy lensing and application to foreground cleaning”

Nov 8

A&A Colloquium: Evan Kirby (Caltech): “Galactic Archaeology: Galaxy Formation and Nucleosynthesis”

3:30–4:30 pm ERC 161

Galactic archaeology is the use of the velocities and abundances of stars to learn about the history of galaxy formation and nucleosynthesis.  I will tell three stories of galactic archaeology with three different groups of elements: alpha elements, the iron peak, and the r-process
First, I will present detailed abundances of individual stars in the dwarf satellites, stellar streams, and smooth halo of M31.  The evolution of [alpha/Fe] in these stars supports the hierarchical assembly paradigm of galaxy formation.

Second, I will present abundances of manganese and nickel in dwarf satellite galaxies of the Milky Way.  These abundances are best explained by a strong contribution of sub-Chandrasekhar-mass Type Ia supernovae.

Third, I will present measurements of barium abundances in the globular cluster M15.  The constancy of barium from the main sequence to the red giant branch indicates that the stars in M15 were born with their unusually large dispersion of r-process elements rather than acquiring it from an external source.

Nov 6