KICP Coffee, Cookies and Conversation
3:00–3:30 pm Zoom Room (online)
Student presentations (session 1): ASTR133 class
2:00–3:00 pm Zoom Room (online)
A&A Coffee, Cookies and Conversation
2:30 pm Zoom room (online)
12:00 pm Zoom (online)
KICP Coffee, Cookies and Conversation
3:00–3:30 pm Zoom Room (online)
A&A Tuesday seminar: Alex Drlica-Wagner (UChicago)
12:00 pm Zoom Room (online)
Alex Drlica-Wagner, University of Chicago, “How to Un-Starlink Your Data”
A&A Coffee, Cookies and Conversation
2:30 pm Zoom room (online)
12:00 pm Zoom (online)
KICP Coffee, Cookies and Conversation
3:00–3:30 pm Zoom Room (online)
A&A Tuesday seminar: Richard Kron (UChicago)
12:00 pm Zoom Room (online)
Richard Kron, UChicago, “The Science of Margaret Burbidge (1919-2020)”