Tuesday Lunch Seminar: Vikram Dwarkadas (UChicago)
12:00–1:00 pm Zoom
Triggered Star Formation Inside the Shell of a Wolf–Rayet Bubble as the Origin of the Solar System
Vikram Dwarkadas, UChicago
KICP Seminar: Suhail Dhawan (Stockholm/KICC, Cambridge)
12:00–1:00 pm Zoom
Suhail Dhawan, Stockholm/KICC, Cambridge, “Cosmology with Type Ia Supernovae: A View from the Zwicky Transient Facility”
A&A Colloquium: Anna Rosen (Harvard)
3:30–4:30 pm Zoom
The Destructive Birth of Massive Stars and Massive Star Clusters
Massive stars play an essential role in the Universe. They are rare, yet the energy and momentum they inject into the interstellar medium (ISM) with their intense radiation fields and fast, isotropic radiatively driven winds dwarfs the contribution by their vastly more numerous low-mass cousins. This stellar feedback dominates the energy and momentum budget in star-forming regions and galaxies leading to gas ejection, which has important implications for star and galaxy formation. Massive stars form from the gravitational collapse of magnetized, dense, and turbulent molecular gas in massive pre-stellar cores, which are located in highly embedded environments. During their formation, feedback from their intense radiation fields, collimated protostellar outflows, and stellar winds can limit their growth by accretion. In this talk, I will show a series of radiation-magnetohydrodynamic (RMHD) simulations of the collapse of massive pre-stellar cores into massive stellar systems that include these feedback processes to demonstrate how stellar feedback can limit accretion onto massive stars and disrupt their natal environments. In addition, I will also discuss how stellar feedback from massive stars, which are born in clustered environments, affects the dynamics of HII regions that surround these clusters and can drive ISM turbulence in young, star clusters. Finally, I will talk about the future of state-of-the-art RMHD simulations with the new “Star Formation in Gaseous Environments” (STARFORGE) framework that will study the formation of star clusters from the gravitational collapse of giant molecular clouds by including all of the relevant stellar feedback processes and are capable of resolving the formation of individual stars. Such simulations will facilitate unprecedented strides in our understanding of the importance of stellar feedback in star formation and to determine how the interaction of stars in gaseous environments affects stellar dynamics, clustering, and ejection of stars.
KICP Seminar: Giuseppe Puglisi, (University of California, Berkeley)
12:00–1:00 pm Zoom
Giuseppe Puglisi, University of California (Berkeley), “Extending Galactic Foreground Mmodels for CMB with Adversarial Networks”
KICP Colloquium: Eduardo Rozo (University of Arizona)
3:30–4:30 pm Zoom
Eduardo Rozo, University of Arizona, “Unlocking Halo Dynamics as a Guiding Principle for Modeling Large Scale Structure”
KICP Seminar: Yun-Ting Cheng (Caltech)
12:00–1:00 pm Zoom Room
Yun-Ting Cheng, Caltech, “Cosmology and Astrophysics with Intensity Mapping”
A&A Colloquium: Claude-André Faucher-Giguere (Northwestern)
3:30–4:30 pm Zoom - for link, please contact, Laticia
“How do galaxies form? New insights from FIRE and into the role of the circumgalactic medium”
Abstract: Galaxies are remarkably diverse in their properties, ranging from irregular to disky to elliptical in morphology, and from blue to red in color. At the same time, when analyzed systematically, galaxy populations exhibit striking regularities, with clear trends with mass and redshift. How does this “regular complexity” emerge from the hot Big Bang? I will present results from the FIRE simulations which shed some light onto the processes that shape galaxies. The FIRE zoom-in simulations resolve the multiphase interstellar medium of galaxies and model several different feedback processes (including Type II/Ia supernovae, stellar winds, and radiation) while including the cosmological environment. I will highlight recent results on the formation of disk galaxies, the “burstiness” of star formation, and galactic winds. Our new results indicate that transitions in each of these important phenomena can be simultaneously explained by a phase transition in the inner circumgalactic medium, “inner CGM virialization” (ICV), and arise from the interplay between feedback energy produced on small scales and the physics of halo gas on larger scales.
A&A Colloquium: Eve Ostriker (Princeton)
3:30–4:30 pm Zoom - for link, please contact, Laticia
“Star Formation and “feedback” in Giant Molecular Clouds”
Giant molecular clouds (GMCs) are the home of the most extreme conditions and the most dramatic events found in the interstellar medium (ISM). GMCs host the densest, coldest portion of the ISM’s gas, with gravitational collapse occurring in filaments and leading to the formation of star clusters. These young star clusters, in turn, host massive and luminous stars that profoundly alter — and ultimately destroy — their birth clouds, by an array of feedback processes. Historically, the effect of these ``feedback’’ processes was seen as optical emission nebulae centuries before — in the 1600s! — direct observations of molecular gas that makes up the majority of a cloud’s mass. In addition to the UV radiation that ionizes gas and creates highly-photogenic nebulae, non-ionizing UV also is important in applying radiation forces to dust. Stellar winds from massive stars are also present, but X-ray evidence of their impact its less apparent than expected, a longstanding puzzle. These feedback processes all contribute in shaping the evolution of GMCs, and it is believed that star formation is finally truncated by feedback-induced dispersal of gas, thereby setting the lifetime star formation efficiency. Within GMCs, turbulence plays several important and counteracting roles, including reducing star formation rates by dispersing dense regions, increasing porosity so that destructive radiation escapes, and mixing hot and cool gas at the fractal interface surrounding hot wind bubbles.
Given the complex array of processes involved, numerical simulations are essential to developing quantitative models of the lives and deaths of star-forming GMCs, and provide a laboratory for us to investigate the detailed physics of feedback. In this talk, I will describe results from recent radiation (magneto-) hydrodynamic simulations and theoretical models that have helped us to understand how star-forming GMCs self-regulate and guide the evolution of galaxies.
Tuesday Lunch Seminar: Yiming Zhong (UChicago) and Mike Zevin (UChicago)
12:00–1:00 pm Zoom
Yiming Zhong will tell us how to seed the first supermassive black holes from
self-interacting dark matter.
Mike Zevin will discuss our current understanding of the various
evolutionary pathways for forming binary black holes, and how
gravitational-wave observations have begun to constrain the relative
efficiencies of these channels as well uncertain physical processes
inherent to massive-star evolution.
Particle Physics Seminar: David Cinabro (Wayne State University/DOE)
3:30–4:30 pm Zoom Room
David Cinabro, Wayne State University/DOE, “Status of Belle II”