Past Events


College Reading Period

Through December 7, 2020

Dec 5

Open Group Seminar: Digvijay (Jay) Wadekar (New York University)

1:30–2:30 pm Zoom room

Digvijay (Jay) Wadekar, New York University, “Analytic calculation of the power spectrum covariance: speedup by four orders of magnitude”

Dec 3

KICP Seminar: Weishuang Linda Xu (Harvard)

12:00–1:00 pm Zoom Room

Weishuang Linda Xu, Harvard, “Thermal Dark Sectors in the Early and Late Universe”

Dec 3

A&A Colloquium: Eric Agol (University of Washington)

3:30–4:30 pm Zoom - for link, please contact, Laticia Rebeles,

“Quantifying the nature of the TRAPPIST-1 planetary system”

Seven Earth-sized planets have been found to transit the
Jupiter-sized star TRAPPIST-1, located forty light years from
our Solar System.  The planets appear to form a chain of orbital
resonances, attributed to orbital migration.  Dynamical interactions
amongst the planets lead to transit-timing variations which we
measured with high precision using the Spitzer, Kepler, Hubble,
and ground-based telescopes over four years.  Analysis of these
data yield a comprehensive picture of the architecture of the orbits
and interiors of these planets.  The planets’ orbits are nearly circular
and coplanar, as expected from disk migration models.  Their densities
show a pattern consistent with a single interior composition,
which is offset from the rocky planets in our Solar System.
I will present these and other results based on our transit-timing
and photodynamic analysis of this benchmark planetary system,
and discuss prospects for study of this system with the James
Webb Space Telescope.

Dec 2

A&A Colloquium: Gordan Krnjaic (Fermilab)

3:30–4:30 pm Zoom

From ALPs to WIMPZILLAS: Discovering Dark Matter In Novel Laboratories

Although the astrophysical evidence for the existence of dark matter is overwhelming, its microscopic properties remain elusive, despite decades of dedicated searches for the dominant weakly-interacting massive particle (WIMP) paradigm. In light of this experimental situation, there has recently been a surge of activity to broaden the search program by utilizing previously overlooked strategies, which leverage novel terrestrial and cosmic laboratories to probe dark matter beyond the WIMP framework. I will survey some of these ideas and present a road map towards greatly expanding our converge of well-motivated dark matter models that sample the full range of viable candidate masses.

Nov 25

Study Week/Thanksgiving Break

Through November 27, 2020

Nov 23

Graduate Admissions Information Session

11:00 am–4:30 pm Online

The Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics invites you to join us in a virtual workshop regarding the graduate admissions process. Registration Deadline: November 16, 2020.

Nov 20

Troubleshoot: Walking Through the Steps to Success

7:00–8:00 pm Zoom Room

Please join us tonight for the pilot program of our new Art/Science Connection outreach initiative: a conversation between UChicago scientists and the Arts+Public Life Artists-in-Residence. Hosted by KICP Director Rocky Kolb.

Nov 18

KICP Colloquium: Laurence Perreault Levasseur (U of Montreal)

3:30–4:30 pm Zoom Room (online)

Laurence Perreault Levasseur, U of Montreal, “Strong Gravitational Lensing and Machine Learning in the Era of Large Sky Surveys”

Nov 18

Tuesday Lunch Seminar: Ani Chiti (MIT), "An extended halo around an ancient dwarf galaxy"

12:00–1:00 pm Zoom

The Milky Way is surrounded by dozens of ultra-faint dwarf galaxies. These systems are the remnants of some of the earliest galaxies as suggested by their ancient (~13 Gyr) and chemically primitive stellar populations. In this talk, I will present the detection of extremely metal-poor stars ([Fe/H] < -3.0) out to 9 half-light radii in one such galaxy, Tucana II. This is the first detection of a population of stars outside the core region (~4 half-light radii) of any ultra-faint dwarf galaxy. These distant stars are, on average, more metal-poor than the central population (<[Fe/H]>=-3.0 vs. <[Fe/H]>=-2.6) and suppress the mean metallicity to <[Fe/H]> ~ -2.77. This difference is the first evidence of a metallicity gradient in an early galaxy remnant and suggests Tucana II, and perhaps other ultra-faints, plausibly were influenced by early, strong feedback episodes or a galactic merger. Such distant stars also imply that Tucana II harbors a massive, spatially extended dark matter halo (> 10^7 solar masses out to 1 kpc). Collectively, these results suggest that key factors needed for understanding early galaxy formation and chemical evolution lie in the outskirts of these small, relic galaxies and may have been missed by previous observational studies. I will thereby also present an upcoming photometric survey of all southern-hemisphere ultra-faint dwarf galaxies that will reveal any spatially extended stellar populations, which our results suggest is necessary to understand the early evolution of these relic systems.

Nov 17