News: Research


“XRISM satellite launches to study the universe in different colors of X-rays”, Uchicago News

September 12, 2023

Data to reveal flows of matter and energy close to black holes, elemental makeup of the universe

Congratulations to Dr. Clarke Esmerian

June 27, 2023

Congratulations to Clarke Esmerian for successfully defending his Ph.D. dissertation on “Modeling Dust Production, Growth, and Destruction in Reionization-Era Galaxies”.

Congratulations to Dr. Rebecca Diesing

May 26, 2023

Congratulations to Rebecca Diesing for successfully defending her Ph.D. dissertation on “Unraveling Particle Acceleration and the Nonthermal Universe”.

“Answering big questions at the South Pole”, PSD News

May 17, 2023

Most people seek warmer destinations for travel to escape the tough Chicago winters. Brad Benson, on the other hand, sets his sights on the South Pole nearly every year. On his list of top reasons to visit: the intense cold creating extremely low levels of moisture in the air, dryer even than the highest mountain peaks in the world. 

“Researchers get first up-close look at mysterious planet’s atmosphere”, UChicago News

May 11, 2023

Exoplanet GJ 1214b is too hot to be habitable, but likely contains water vapor.

“NSF awards $52M to upgrade Simons Observatory in Chile to explore origins of universe”, UChicago News

May 9, 2023

Improvements include upgraded receiver, solar panels to power the observatory and data processing pipeline.

“Prof. Wendy Freedman to present Ryerson Lecture on ‘Our Expanding Universe’ “, UChicago News

April 5, 2023

Prof. Wendy Freedman, a leading astronomer who has made fundamental measurements of our universe, will deliver the 2023 Nora and Edward Ryerson Lecture on May 15 at the Rubenstein Forum at the University of Chicago.

Congratulations Diego Garza and Congratulations Aster Taylor

April 5, 2023

Diego Garza (Physics, Astrophysics, 2023) and Aster Taylor (Astrophysics, 2023) won the  NSF Graduate Research Fellowship.

New calibration of the ‘red giant method’ improves measurement of the Hubble constant

April 3, 2023

In a new paper in Nature Astronomy, Taylor Hoyt –who received his Ph.D from UChicago in 2022 and is currently a researcher in Berkeley Lab’s Physics Division – presents a new approach to calibrating the measurement of the universe’s present day expansion rate.

The Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society has selected Richard G. Kron’s collaborative research project for 2023–2024

February 14, 2023

“Capturing the Stars: Women’s Networks and the Advancement of Science at Yerkes Observatory, 1895–1940”, Richard G. Kron (Astronomy and Physics), Kristine Palmieri (Institute on the Formation of Knowledge), Andrea Twiss-Brooks (The University of Chicago Library), Emily Kern (History).

“Scientists release newly accurate map of all the matter in the universe”, UChicago News

February 2, 2023

Analysis combines Dark Energy Survey, South Pole Telescope data to understand evolution of universe

A coherent story of the Universe from galaxy and CMB surveys

January 31, 2023

Combining data from the Dark Energy Survey and the South Pole Telescope, scientists piece together a coherent story of the Universe from galaxy and CMB surveys. These are some of the most stringent tests of the standard cosmological model using cross-correlations of independent data sets.

“NASA’s TESS Discovers Planetary System’s Second Earth-Size World”,

January 11, 2023

Using data from NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, scientists have identified an Earth-size world, called TOI 700 e, orbiting within the habitable zone of its star – the range of distances where liquid water could occur on a planet’s surface. The world is 95% Earth’s size and likely rocky.


“How Star Collisions Forge the Universe’s Heaviest Elements”, by Sanjana Curtis, Scientific American

December 15, 2022

Scientists have new evidence about how cosmic cataclysms forge gold, platinum and other heavy members of the periodic table

“Meet astronomy and astrophysics student, Madison Brady”,  PSD News

November 28, 2022

Madison is currently studying exoplanets, which are planets that aren’t in our solar system. Most of her work is observational, using telescopes and data analysis.