“How Star Collisions Forge the Universe’s Heaviest Elements”, by Sanjana Curtis, Scientific American
December 15, 2022

Scientists have new evidence about how cosmic cataclysms forge gold, platinum and other heavy members of the periodic table
Congratulations to Prof. Leslie Rogers!
December 9, 2022

Assistant Professor Leslie Rogers has been awarded the J. and J. Neubauer Faculty Development Fellowship in the College for 2022-2023.
Congratulations to Prof. Daniel Fabrycky!
December 5, 2022

Dan Fabrycky has been promoted from Associate Professor to Professor in the Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics and the College.
“Meet astronomy and astrophysics student, Madison Brady”, PSD News
November 28, 2022

Madison is currently studying exoplanets, which are planets that aren’t in our solar system. Most of her work is observational, using telescopes and data analysis.
“Many planets could have atmospheres rich in helium, study finds”, UChicago News
November 22, 2022

Study suggests answer to “radius valley” mystery in the field of exoplanet studies.
“James Webb Space telescope reveals a faraway planet’s band of clouds “, UChicago News
November 18, 2022

New measurements paint detailed portrait of an exoplanet’s atmosphere.
“Student uses NASA data to reveal new details on planets in other solar systems”, UChicago News, by Louise Lerner
November 7, 2022

Study by Jared Siegel, UChicago ’22, sets upper limits on the masses of 50 exoplanets.
Congratulations to Harper Learmonth!
November 7, 2022

Harper Learmonth has been selected as a 2022-2023 Quad Faculty Research Grant recipient to serve as an undergraduate research assistant with Professor Rogers.
“Discovering the highest energy particles from the top of the Greenland Ice Sheet”, PSD spotlight
October 27, 2022

Prof. Abigail Vieregg and her students build instruments to detect the highest energy neutrinos.
Congratulations to Abigail Vieregg
October 27, 2022

Abigail Vieregg received a Moore Foundation Experimental Physics Investigators Initiative Award for instrumentation development to advance the detection of the highest energy neutrinos.
New Schmidt Futures Fellowship at UChicago to Foster Next Generation of AI-Driven Scientists
October 26, 2022

The Eric and Wendy Schmidt AI in Science Postdoctoral Fellowship, a program of Schmidt Futures, will train the next generation of scientists combining research in both AI and science fields, including physics, astronomy and biology.
PSD Spotlight: Shawn Manner
October 18, 2022

Shawn Manner is administrative assistant to Professor John Carlstrom of the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics. Shawn is from Michigan City, Indiana, and has been with the University of Chicago since February 2022.
“Meet astronomy and astrophysics student, Dhayaa Anbajagane”, PSD News
October 17, 2022

For my research topic I was set on doing “survey science”—using observations from large telescopes gathered into surveys to study our Universe and the physics of the objects within it, like galaxies, clusters, cosmic filaments, and voids.
Samantha Usman awarded Out to Innovate Scholarship Award
October 11, 2022

Astronomy and astrophysics grad student recognized with Out to Innovate Award for LGBTQ+ activism
“University of Chicago receives reflector for next generation telescope”, FOX 32 Chicago
October 10, 2022

Scientists at the University of Chicago received a pretty exciting delivery Friday. It is the first piece of a next generation telescope and it is designed to map the skies after-glow from the Big Bang.