

Black holes have tantrums, and scientists have finally captured the resulting gamma rays

November 18, 2021

Prof. Eugene Parker accepts prestigious Crafoord Prize in Astronomy

November 18, 2021

“Priorities for next 10 years of astronomy include exoplanets, early days of universe”, UChicago News

November 8, 2021

Astro2020 survey prioritizes UChicago-affiliated projects such as Giant Magellan Telescope, CMB-S4

Congratulations to Professor Jacob Bean

October 20, 2021

Jacob Bean has been promoted from Associate Professor to Professor with the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics.  


Congratulations to Emily Gilbert

October 5, 2021

Emily Gilbert has received the NASA/GSPC Robert H. Goddard Award - Science.

Congratulations to Zhuowen Zhang

September 21, 2021

Zhuowen Zhang has received the Prize for the Best Poster at the Fermilab Users Meeting in August, on DES galaxy cluster research.

Congratulations to Dr. Gregory Gilbert

September 15, 2021

Congratulations to Gregory Gilbert for successfully defending his Ph.D. dissertation on "Toward an Accurate Census of Exoplanets and Exoplanetary Systems" (PhD Advisor: Daniel Fabrycky)

Congratulations to Dr. Andrew Neil

September 15, 2021

Congratulations to Andrew Neil for successfully defending his Ph.D. dissertation on "Constraining Exoplanet Composition Demographics with  Large-scale Surveys" (PhD Advisor: Leslie Rogers).

Noel Swerdlow, one of the ‘greatest scholars’ of the history of science, 1941-2021

August 3, 2021

Expert on ancient scientists remembered for mathematical rigor, intellectual imagination.
Prof. Emeritus Noel M. Swerdlow, a distinguished historian of science and the world’s foremost expert on Ptolemy and Copernicus, died July 24. He was 79.

“Event Horizon Telescope takes pioneering image of massive jet spewing from black hole”, UChicago News

July 26, 2021

UChicago-led South Pole Telescope helps pinpoint location of supermassive black hole in galaxy Centaurus A

Congratulation to Astrophysics Class of 2021!

June 17, 2021

Students’ final year of undergraduate study is filled with opportunities to make fond memories while preparing for life after their time at the College.

“Solving the biggest mysteries of our universe, with Dan Hooper”,  UChicago News

June 3, 2021

Cosmologist discusses what happened after the Big Bang, ‘breaking’ the Standard Model of Physics

“Dark Energy Survey releases most precise look yet at the universe’s evolution”, UChicago News

June 1, 2021

The Dark Energy Survey mapped an eighth of the night sky from a mountaintop in Chile.

Congratulations to Chihway Chang, Brian Nord, and Lindsey Bleem

May 27, 2021

Congratulation to the winners of the Department of Energy Early Career Awards:  Chihway Chang, Brian Nord, and Lindsey Bleem.


“UChicago announces 2021 winners of Quantrell and Graduate Teaching Awards”, UChicago News

May 26, 2021

Prof. Daniel Fabrycky received a Faculty Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching and Mentorship