News: Awards


Congratulations to Zhijie Qu

May 18, 2022

Zhijie Qu won a  2021 IAU PhD Prize

Congratulations to Joshua A. Frieman

May 3, 2022

Josh Frieman elected to the National Academy of Sciences

Congratulations to our students received the NSF GSRFs Awards

April 14, 2022

Graduate student Alice Burington, undergraduate student Nick Corso, undergraduate student  Viraj Manwadkar, and undergraduate student Jared Siegel  received the NSF GSRFs Award.

Michael Zhang has been selected for the Heising-Simons Foundation 51 Pegasi b Fellowship

March 31, 2022

The Heising-Simons Foundation today announced Michael Zhang, California Institute of Technology, Astronomy Ph.D.’22, as a recipient of the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship. He is among eight fellows selected for 2022. Zhang will be joining the University of Chicago Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics in the Fall term as a postdoctoral researcher as part of the fellowship, which was established in 2017 by the Heising-Simons Foundation, and named for the first exoplanet discovered orbiting a Sun-like star.

Michael Zhang, Inaugural Margarett Burbidge Prize Postdoc Fellow

March 1, 2022

Meet new Department member: Michael Zhang, Inaugural Margarett Burbidge Prize Postdoc Fellow

Tsang Keung Chan, Inaugural Margarett Burbidge Prize Postdoc Fellow

March 1, 2022

Meet new Department member: Tsang Keung Chan, Inaugural Margarett Burbidge Prize Postdoc Fellow

Hsiao-Wen Chen named AAS Fellow

January 5, 2022

Professor Hsiao-Wen Chen in the University of Chicago Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics has been named 2022 American Astronomical Society Fellows. The AAS Fellows program was established in 2019 to recognize AAS members for their contributions toward the Society's mission of enhancing and sharing humanity's scientific understanding of the universe.  

Richard Kron named AAS Fellow

January 5, 2022

Professor Emeritus Richard Kron in the University of Chicago Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics has been named 2022 American Astronomical Society Fellows. The AAS Fellows program was established in 2019 to recognize AAS members for their contributions toward the Society's mission of enhancing and sharing humanity's scientific understanding of the universe.  


Prof. Eugene Parker accepts prestigious Crafoord Prize in Astronomy

November 18, 2021

Congratulations to Emily Gilbert

October 5, 2021

Emily Gilbert has received the NASA/GSPC Robert H. Goddard Award - Science.

Congratulations to Zhuowen Zhang

September 21, 2021

Zhuowen Zhang has received the Prize for the Best Poster at the Fermilab Users Meeting in August, on DES galaxy cluster research.

Congratulations to Chihway Chang, Brian Nord, and Lindsey Bleem

May 27, 2021

Congratulation to the winners of the Department of Energy Early Career Awards:  Chihway Chang, Brian Nord, and Lindsey Bleem.


“UChicago announces 2021 winners of Quantrell and Graduate Teaching Awards”, UChicago News

May 26, 2021

Prof. Daniel Fabrycky received a Faculty Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching and Mentorship

Congratulations to Gourav Khullar

May 4, 2021

Gourav Khullar, graduate student,  has been awarded a Physical Sciences Teaching Prize for 2020-2021.

Congratulations to Angela Olinto

April 26, 2021

Angela Olinto has been elected to the American Academy of  Arts & Sciences and to to the National Academy of Sciences.